The Society
The Mineralogical Society of Victoria was established in March 1976 with the aim of fostering an interest in Mineralogy.
The Society was founded, in equal measure, by a group of professional mineralogists, enthusiastic amateur collectors and mineral specimen dealers.
Through our 48+ year history we have aimed to balance the interests and knowledge of all our members. Not always successfully of course, but we aim to offer something for anyone with an interest in minerals and the wider geological world.
We hold regular activities and prepare a meetings and excursions schedule throughout the coming year. Our meetings (some prefer the less formal sounding 'gathering' or 'workshop') are usually held monthly on weekends (Sundays) including our General Meetings and gatherings of the groups interested in micro-minerals (the Micro Group) and also larger minerals (the MAG or 'Mineral Appreciation Group' group).
General and MAG meetings are typically held on Sundays at the South Melbourne Community Centre, Ferrars Place, South Melbourne.
Commencing at 11:00 am and usually finish around 2:00 pm including morning an afternoon tea. Micro Group meetings are also typically held on Sundays, but usually at a Member's home.
Visitors are most welcome to attend the meetings, and no special knowledge or experience with minerals is required.
Further updates on activities can be found on the Forward Diary on the front page of this site and our Facebook page, by clicking on the following link:
MinSocVic Facebook Page
Membership of the Society is open to all those who share an interest in minerals, mineralogy or related fields. Our members come from a diverse range of backgrounds and include earth science professionals, researchers, amateurs and enthusiasts.
We strive to maintain a balance between technical and non-technical topics and no knowledge of mineralogy (and no collection of minerals!) is required, just a desire to learn more. All new members receive a complementary 1-year subscription to the Australasian Journal of Mineralogy (2 issues).
Come see what we are all about by attending one of the General Meetings or the Mineral Appreciation Group ('MAG') meetings.
New members can join the Society by completing the application form attached below or by contacting us for further details.
The Mineralogical Society of Victoria was established in March 1976 with the aim of fostering an interest in Mineralogy.
The Society was founded, in equal measure, by a group of professional mineralogists, enthusiastic amateur collectors and mineral specimen dealers.
Through our 48+ year history we have aimed to balance the interests and knowledge of all our members. Not always successfully of course, but we aim to offer something for anyone with an interest in minerals and the wider geological world.
We hold regular activities and prepare a meetings and excursions schedule throughout the coming year. Our meetings (some prefer the less formal sounding 'gathering' or 'workshop') are usually held monthly on weekends (Sundays) including our General Meetings and gatherings of the groups interested in micro-minerals (the Micro Group) and also larger minerals (the MAG or 'Mineral Appreciation Group' group).
General and MAG meetings are typically held on Sundays at the South Melbourne Community Centre, Ferrars Place, South Melbourne.
Commencing at 11:00 am and usually finish around 2:00 pm including morning an afternoon tea. Micro Group meetings are also typically held on Sundays, but usually at a Member's home.
Visitors are most welcome to attend the meetings, and no special knowledge or experience with minerals is required.
Further updates on activities can be found on the Forward Diary on the front page of this site and our Facebook page, by clicking on the following link:
MinSocVic Facebook Page
Membership of the Society is open to all those who share an interest in minerals, mineralogy or related fields. Our members come from a diverse range of backgrounds and include earth science professionals, researchers, amateurs and enthusiasts.
We strive to maintain a balance between technical and non-technical topics and no knowledge of mineralogy (and no collection of minerals!) is required, just a desire to learn more. All new members receive a complementary 1-year subscription to the Australasian Journal of Mineralogy (2 issues).
Come see what we are all about by attending one of the General Meetings or the Mineral Appreciation Group ('MAG') meetings.
New members can join the Society by completing the application form attached below or by contacting us for further details.

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